Give the gift of life this March 28th!
An event of the Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club
in support of Aid Africa

It’s an incredible human tragedy. Each year, 1,000,000 African babies die on the first day of their lives, and 1 in 13 women in Sub-Saharan Africa die of causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Infection following delivery is the leading cause of death among these mothers and newborns. But the risk of infection can be greatly reduced by providing the most basic elements of medical sanitation during childbirth… soap, a clean blade to cut the umbilical cord, a clean cord to tie the umbilical cord, and a clean sheet for the mother and baby to lie on after delivery.
Imagine that – you can SAVE TWO LIVES with soap, a clean blade, a simple cord, and a clean sheet!
And those new mothers can return home and continue to care for their other children.
You are key to helping us to save lives
Assemble Life-Saving Birthing Kits.
Join other volunteers on Saturday, March 30th. There will be breaks, food and music!
And best of all, your efforts will save many lives.
Quick Facts
Aid Africa’s Fundraiser and Assembly Day
Saturday, March 28, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. With lunch at noon
Salem Lutheran Church Gymnasium
1211 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91202
Goal – Find 20 Kit Sponsorships!
We’re asking you to raise support for at least 20 kits @ $10 each. We can’t assemble and ship life-saving birthing kits without sponsorships. However, participation at all levels is welcome.
All proceeds go to the projects of Aid Africa. Most supplies are donated, however we do pay about $500 in costs.
Click here to download the information sheet:
And be sure to download the sponsorship form:
Come assemble Birthing Kits for use among the world’s rural poor. Just a few hours work to save thousands of lives! But to pull it off, we’ll need volunteers to assemble kits and lots of generous sponsors.
Each kit is just $10 including shipping, and will save the lives of a mother and her child. Can you sponsor 1, 2, or 5? Or maybe join with friends or co-workers to sponsor 10, 20 or more?