Akello and Her New Stove
Akello Filder lives in the village of Wigweng near Bobi, Uganda. Aid Africa taught her how to assemble and install a Six-Brick Rocket Stove in her home.
The insulating bricks are made in Aid Africa’s own kiln near Gulu and brought out to the villages. Filder had been cooking over a traditional open fire that consumed a lot of wood and filled her home with smoke.
“In this place we do not have many trees left for firewood,” said Filder. “This stove has helped so much because now I use less firewood. The stove keeps in the heat and makes it easier for us to cook.”
She says that the black spot you see on the wall is from her old open fire. “I mudded this stove in the same spot. Otherwise this stove does not make much smoke.”
Filder is just one of thousands of women who have benefited from Aid Africa’s Six Brick Rocket Stove.
A donation of just $25 will help Aid Africa install one Six-Brick Rocket Stove.