World Water Day – March 22nd
Watch the 30-second video below to see how we use a simple method to dig a shallow well to provide a clean source of water close to the village. The cost for a new well or protected spring as of December 2019 is $1600, in the ground. No expensive drilling rig required!
Fundraiser 2020 – A Virtual Safari on Zoom
Register for Free Register on Eventbrite Zoom into Gulu, Uganda and Meet the Aid Africa Staff November 13th and 14th on Zoom Be inspired by the wonderful work they are doing: Building fuel-efficient stoves Distributing thousands of trees from our nursery Digging and repairing clean water wells and sheltered springs We\’ll have pre-recorded presentations (time […]

Emergency Food Program for Gulu Street Children
There is a crisis in Gulu where the Aid Africa office is. The whole country shut down suddenly a couple of weeks ago. There are no busses, cars or motorcycles with more than just the driver. Many children who were in town suddenly had no way to return to their villages. And, of course, there […]
Aid Africa Giving Tuesday 2019
Support Global Change through Local Action In Gulu, Uganda Aid Africa staff member Lily and a Gulu University volunteer are making stove maintenance rounds. These annual visits help communities reduce air pollution and carbon emissions by re-mudding their high efficiency stoves. Last year Aid Africa installed 4,505 stoves that burn less wood, more completely and now earn carbon credits. These […]

Ugandan Prime Minister Approves Aid Africa Work in Refugee Camp
The Office of the Prime Minister for Refugees in Uganda has given approval to Aid Africa to implement its programs in the Palabek refugee camp, including our Rocket Stoves, trees for food and firewood and a new improved goat program. Palabek is located in Lamwo district in the northern part of the country and hosts […]
Tree Distribution in Bolipii
Distributing soursop and orange trees in Bolipii Village, Gulu District, Uganda. These fruit tree seedlings are ready to plant and will produce enough fruit for family use within 3-5 years, along with extra yield that can be sold at market. Just three trees will provide a family food and renewable income for many years to […]
More Stoves for Village Homemakers in Uganda
Distributing Rocket Stoves in Gulu District, Uganda. Six Brick Rocket Stoves are cheap and sustainable and greatly improve cooking efficiency vs. cooking over open fires. Aid Africa continues rebuilding sustainable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa!